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aCommerce Group Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Company"/"We") operate according to good corporate governance of Securities and Exchange Commission and and Securities Exchange of Thailand ("SET"). We realize the importance of improvement of operations and governance to ensure long-term sustainable growth and transparency. Not only such principle earns trust from shareholders, investors and stakeholders, but it also helps the Company to gain competitive edges and enhance sustainable growths.

We also attach importance to the rights of shareholders and stakeholders; we take into account their roles and treat them equally, disclosure of Information and Transparency, and our Board of Directors perform their duties according to good corporate governance (GCG) to earn trust from shareholders, investors and all parties concerned. They are of the opinion that our GCG should cover the essential principles from structure, roles, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directory and the principle of transparent work management by executives that can be audited according to SEC's and SET's Guidelines and Practices for GCG of registered companies, 2017. As guidelines for organization management to ensure that the Company operates fairly for the maximum benefits of all shareholders and stakeholders, this Policy can be divided into 8 parts:

Corporate Governance Policy